14 August, 2013

Criticisms of the Church discussed with a Jehovah Witness calling himself "Linedancer".

My responses are in bold

(Linedancer) (Incredulously stated)"The Church stands as testimony to the veracity of Christ and His promises to humanity."

Jesus said of His Church that it would endure for all times and it has endured as He said for 2000 years. No other entity has this testimony. The Church has never fallen into apostasy just as Jesus promised it would not. The Bible says exclusively of the Church that it is the “pillar and foundation of the truth”. What does the Bible say about your evil sect? It says that you are ravening wolves and false teachers who gather those together that cannot endure the sound doctrine of Christ’s own Church. You assault the unity that Jesus prayed for the night before His arrest and subsequent crucifixion. The JW sect denies Jesus, His atoning work and the Gospel. To support your man-made sect you call Jesus a liar and the Bible false teaching except for those passages you twist from context eisegetically to support your unbiblical doctrines.  

“Really? Where in the Bible did Jesus teach that:

1. "the Godhead of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost is all One"? NOWHERE! As the New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, Vol. XIV, p. 304) says; the trinity "is not directly and immediately the Word of God."

The teaching of the Trinity is the teaching of Jesus, His Church and the Bible. In the Bible alone there are is more than adequate teaching to understand the Trinity. Think about it......your man-made counterfeit sect had to change the Bible to remove the biblical proof of the Trinity. The Trinity has been taught for 2000 years and is the fundamental belief that defines the followers of Christ. Taking a sentence out of context from the Catholic Encyclopedia and pretending it teaches against the Trinity is simply lying and bearing false witness. You have not even read the teaching in the CE in context but simply reading the sentence published in Watchtower comic books (Watchtower & Awake). You learn this the same way you learn the Bible which is out of context seemingly  supporting the Watchtower prejudice when the opposite is true. This is simply lying and committing mortal sin. Certainly the word “Trinity” is not in the Bible but its teaching is throughout the New Testament. In fact the teaching of the Trinity is one of the main themes of the NT which teaches the relationship of Christ with His Church .

“2. purgatory is real? NOWHERE! As the New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, Vol. XI, p. 1034) acknowledges: “In the final analysis, the Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not Sacred Scripture.”

There you go again....Taking a sentence out of context from the Catholic Encyclopedia and pretending it teaches against the need for Purgation is simply lying and bearing false witness. You have not even read the teaching in the CE in context but simply reading the sentence published in Watchtower comic books (Watchtower & Awake). You learn this the same way you learn the Bible which is out of context seemingly  supporting the Watchtower prejudice when the opposite is true. This is simply lying and committing mortal sin.

The truth is that the Doctrine of the Trinity is sound doctrine that you as a disbeliever cannot endure. It is thoroughly supported in Scripture and is a logical theological conclusion based on sound biblical hermeneutics, For your information the Bible is the written Sacred Tradition of the Church.

“3. unmarried priests must remain celibate? NOWHERE!”

Nowhere in all of Catholic teaching will you find this taught. The Church NEVER forbids anyone to marry. Those who are priests and remain celibate do this out of devotion to the Church and are following the teaching of Jesus and St. Paul in the Bible. Only one Rite of the Catholic Church chooses only from those in seminary who have made a vow of celibacy and that is the Latin Rite. The other 22 Rites of the Church have no such discipline. It is a self imposed discipline. But, you already knew this and only wanted to bear false witness.

“4. priests can disregard his command not to be called "Father" in a religious sense? (Matt. 23:9) NOWHERE!”

Actually the Bible does not forbid calling anyone father, doctor, teacher, sir or any other title in Mat 23:9. Instead it prohibits putting anyone greater than God. Even Jesus called people father....are you saying that He broke His own Commandment? Be sensible, of course Jesus did not violate a commandment as you want to claim in your assault on the veracity of Jesus as our Savior.

“What you should have said is that the Catholic Church stands as testimony to the total disregard for everything Jesus taught true Christians.”

Actually there is no doctrinal Catholic teaching that is contradictory to the Bible. I will give you the same challenge I have others....If you can prove any of the Doctrines of the Church to be contradictory to Scriptures I will become an atheist. The fact is that this is an impossibility as it would make the Bible false teaching and Jesus a liar. But isn’t that the goal of the whole Watchtower teaching? It is a goal that they will never reach as the truth will prevail as Jesus promised despite the “gates of hell” trying to prevail against the Church of which the Watchtower is a perfect example. I will pray for you. God bless!

In Christ

Fr. Joseph  


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