29 July, 2009

What was the philosophical cause of the Reformation?

When Secular Humanism replaced Scholasticism as the popular philosophy of the time there became an increasing desire to follow one's own desires and lusts free from the restraints of the teaching of Jesus and the disciples through the Church. This was aided by the lust of power by the European princes that was usurped by the Church. An alliance formed for these complimentary goals between the Secular Humanists and the princes to usurp the Church's influence on society.

The reformers, Luther, Zwingli, Calvin and et al. labored to form a pseudo-christian faith that focused on God serving man instead of the teaching of Jesus and the disciples through the Church which taught that it is man that serves God instead. The reformers strive for a syncretic blending of Secular Humanism and Christianity and the princes were more than happy to support their efforts out of greed. While this greed motivated the political powers it was pride and arrogance that motivated the reformers and made them feel that they could construct a alternative faith to the faith founded by Jesus and the disciples to one founded upon their own desires and in many cases their own lust for power which was the case with Calvin and his theocracy in Geneva. Instead of Christianity being an obstacle for their ambitions they twisted its teaching to be an asset and a means to their goals.

From the more spiritual aspect of this movement it was a very clever approach from the enemy of the truth of the Christian faith which is Satan who certainly is the author of the confusion that was born of the Reformation or the rebellion from the Church. Because the cry of the Protestants now was for God to serve humanity because God owes humanity devotion. This is contrary to the cry of the faithful for the previous 1500 years of "let thy will be done and not thine".

The fruit of the Protestant movement is over 30,000 different ecclesiastical groups each claiming their own version of truth and each possessed by their own heresy which grows at a exponentially increasing rate. Protestantism is a diluting and obscuring of the truth contained in the teaching of the Church with a focus on man and his desires instead of man serving the will of God. In Protestantism man does not have to humble themselves before their creator but instead take pride in their own creation which usurps the work of Christ. May the Lord have mercy on them. God bless!

In Christ
Fr. Joseph


  1. With all due respect, many Protestant churches need to have their "heresies" addressed but you are hardly in a position to do so.

    The RCC denomination is full of heretical teachings including transubstantiation, perpetual virginity of Mary, praying to the dead, mediatorship of dead saints, bowing to idols, etc.. etc..

    If you want to do yourself a favor and honor God, you need to abandon RCCism and spend time learning about God and His will by reading the Bible.

    I believe that there are some true Christians in the RCC, but, these do not include those that have knowingly rejected Biblical truth in favor of RCC heresy.

  2. There are no heretical teachings in the Catholic Church.

    Transubstantiation was taught by our Lord as recorded in John Chapter 6.

    The perpetual virginity of the blessed mother of God is a historical fact without contradiction.

    Catholics do not pray to the dead.

    The saints are not dead but very much alive with our Lord in heaven. They intercede for us by praying for us. Praying for others does not usurp the mediation of our Lord but shows our love for one another.

    There are no idols in the Catholic Church and idolatry is strictly forbidden in the Catechism and all Catholic teaching.

    It would seem as if it is you that is lacking in biblical knowledge since you cannot recognize biblical teaching. It seems that you are a victim of false teachers and are incapable in discerning truth from heresy. God bless!

    Fr. Joseph

  3. I have little concern for Calvin or Zwingli but you will have to do more than just give an opinion about Luther being a secular humanist. I don't think most Catholic's who have studied Luther would agree with that. Erasmus was the biggest secular humanist of Luther's day and even the Catholics would admit that.

    1. I would agree that all of those you mentioned were indeed Humanists. Coming out of Scholasticism many were at that time but it was Calvin, Luther and Zwingli that were the principal heretics spreading this philosophy. Erasmus was greatly influenced by the same spirit of division but was made impotent by the Church that he followed in his devotion to unity. God bless!

      In Christ
      Fr. Joseph
